Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Benefits of Eating Organic Foods

What is Organic Food?

"Organic food is food produced by an ecological system of agricultural management that produces nutritionally superior plants, resistant to pests and disease.Organic farming builds & maintains healthy soil through traditional methods of crop rotation, planting cover crops, releasing beneficial insects, and composing. It does not mean a return to traditional agricultural methods."

So why should we eat organic food?

1. Organic food is more nutritious than chemically grown food.In some recent studies, their was over 300 comparisons performed. They found that organic crops had a higher nutrient content than conventional crops. The vitamin C content and protein was also found to be superior.

2.Reduce your exposure to pesticides. When conventional crops are grown, farmers use pesticides to "protect" their crops from mold, insects, & diseases. When sprayed, they leave a residue on the food.Organic farmers use insects and birds to reduce these problems.

3.Help the environment. Unlike the conventional farmers practices, organic farming is desinged to benefit the environment by reducing pollution and conserving water. By using "natural" practices such as using manure or compost instead of chemical fertilizers to promote plant growth.

4. Organic raised animals: The animals are raised on organic feed and graze freely to eat. These animals live happy lives. They are not put in crowded cages and barns. The live stress free lives and are well taken care of. Conventional animals live inhuman, short lives. They are put in crowded areas that are not well taken care of and are just plain nasty conditions.

Even though it is more expensive right now to eat organic your body will thank you. Not only will you be riding yourself of chemicals, but you will also help the environment. The more the demand goes up for organically grown food the less expensive it will be to buy!! So help your family and the environment.....


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